
11 Dec: Take the fear out of Job Interviews

  We all worry about interviews and how we are going to sell ourselves to ensure that we have a successful outcome when we are apply for that dream job. As interviews are not something we do everyday and when we do we are up against other people and strong competition,how do we shine above all the rest. at the Back 4 Good Academy we have a range of courses that will give you the skills to get that job or promotion. Our courses are designed by experts in the field many of whom sit on interview panels on a daily basis and some experts work with the largest recruitment companies globally . The basic courses cover simple but key learning points including, Planning & Preparation Pre-Intervew Checklist Creating a great impression. Reading the room Selling yourself How to finish the interview Tips -What will give you the edge. Other relevant courses include , How to create your LinkedIn profile Creating your CV Job searching online Presentation Skills How to conduct Podcast Interviews Interview Strategies and Mindset So if you wish to secure that dream job and want to learn the power of communicating effectively on the big day sign up for our courses and take the first steps on your road to success .