
10 Jan: Beekeeping for Summer 2018

The Back 4 Good Academy has a vast range of course from Wellness to Construction to Hairdressing to Digital Marketing .Indeed our course library is so vast that it is well worth your time having a look at the range and picking out a course that you might like to do that will assist you in your favourite hobby. One such course for example is a unique course on Keeping Honey Bees using organic natural and traditional beekeeping Techniques. This course offers complete instruction on beekeeping techniques and is a course that was created over the summer in order to capture a full season with bees including lots of hands-on time in the hive . The course is intended to be a through introduction to keeping bees that upon completion ,the student can confidently start their own treatment -free honey bee hive. Taught from a permaculture perspective ,this course will teach you a holistic approach to bee-keeping that considers the natural ecology of honey bees and agriculture . It covers details such as Benefits of Bees Bees,Species ,Purchasing and Swarm Management Bee Terminology and Physiology Equipment Site selection,Organic Beekeeping Hands on in the Hive This is the type of course that you can do early in the New Year and be ready for exciting Beekeeping this summer.