2018 January


17 Jan: Become your own Boss Today

At the Academy we have received a lot of requests for  information on setting up your own social enterprise or starting your own online business . With the correct training it is really quite simple . Our Academy has a number of courses on offer that assist you in setting up your own business from a blank canvass and these course cover many sectors that you can trade in. One such course supplies you with information about how to build a profitable online business with a small amount of capital required . Online businesses  if created properly can be almost risk free and in our course you will learn how to build your online business and online store . Our course advise you on how to establish yourself online in many areas such as , Life Coaching Web Design SEO Smartphone repairs Dog Walking Tourism Sales Marketing and much much more . So if you are looking to work from home or from a smart desk our courses teach you everything you need to know to start getting some revenue in every month .   Register today with the Back 4 Good Academy and we will take it from there for you .    


10 Jan: Beekeeping for Summer 2018

The Back 4 Good Academy has a vast range of course from Wellness to Construction to Hairdressing to Digital Marketing .Indeed our course library is so vast that it is well worth your time having a look at the range and picking out a course that you might like to do that will assist you in your favourite hobby. One such course for example is a unique course on Keeping Honey Bees using organic natural and traditional beekeeping Techniques. This course offers complete instruction on beekeeping techniques and is a course that was created over the summer in order to capture a full season with bees including lots of hands-on time in the hive . The course is intended to be a through introduction to keeping bees that upon completion ,the student can confidently start their own treatment -free honey bee hive. Taught from a permaculture perspective ,this course will teach you a holistic approach to bee-keeping that considers the natural ecology of honey bees and agriculture . It covers details such as Benefits of Bees Bees,Species ,Purchasing and Swarm Management Bee Terminology and Physiology Equipment Site selection,Organic Beekeeping Hands on in the Hive This is the type of course that you can do early in the New Year and be ready for exciting Beekeeping this summer.    


08 Jan: GDPR Compliance: Employee Awareness E-learning Courses on Offer

What is GDPR?  is  becoming the big question that Companies, State organisations and all those involved in business are asking as the first full week back at work in 2018 commences. In particular HR directors and Managers need to become aware of this term and ensure that all employees in their organisations are fully aware of their requirements regarding GDPR. GDPR makes it much less difficult for individuals to bring claims against Data Controllers if their data or privacy has been infringed. GDPR is the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation which applies to all EU organisations, be they commercial,voluntary or a public Authority, that collect, store or process the personal data of EU individuals. Organisations based outside of the EU, that monitor or offer goods and services to European citizens will have to observe the new rules and adhere to the same level of protection of personal data. If an organisation is found to be in breach of the GDPR, they can be fined up to 20 million euro or up to 4% of their annual global turnover. GDPR takes effect and is enforceable across the European Union, or EU on the 25 May 2018. There will be no grace period for enforcement ,as the regulation was actually adopted in April 2016. In simple terms GDPR applies to both automated personal data and to manual filing systems containing personal data. However similar to  the Data Protection Act under GDPR the definition of Personal data expands into sensitive personal data. The GDPR Principles set out the main responsibilities for organisations  as follows, The GDPR requires that personal data be processed lawfully ,fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to individuals. Data must be collected and processed for specific, legitimate purposes only. Any collected data should be limited to what…


03 Jan: Social Learning – sharing learning with your friends

As we start 2018 with huge positive energy our members are keen to discover the trends in learning and training in the Education sector in 2018. Mobile learning will be as bigger than it was in 2017. From video content to mobile learners who will use their smartphones and heading online for training in greater numbers than ever before. Mobile Learning allows users to learn at any moment they require so that they can use time waiting for trains or planes to learn or downtime waiting for appointments or meetings. It is important that you choose a learning platform with a mobile app so that you can learn anytime, anywhere on any device. Our Back 4 Good Academy provides this solution for our members and also allows you to get involved in social learning which is now one of the fastest-growing learning tools. Social Learning is all about working closely together and sharing skills in a natural way with your friends, family or colleagues. Social Learning is driven by the growth of smartphone use and this is a huge leap forward compared to the education available to previous generations who were subject to classroom based education. The future for e-learning platforms such as the Back 4 Good Academy is to provide a tailored learning package to suit individual needs of each learner and new learning management systems now reveal how learners interact with the training material and this will present a unique opportunity to personalise learning programmes and for learners to adapt their educational path depending on their specific goals. Social Learning is significantly increasing as learners feel motivated when they study as part of a group, early research hs shown that they score better and achieve better results. With advances online you now do not have to study alone,…